Molweni, Dec 20

Molweni, Dec 20

OUR TIMES… It is the strangest of times. Our city is currently one of the most hard-hit areas in our country as far as the second wave of Covid is concerned. We wait to hear from our president as to what restrictions may be put in place before this wave gets more out...
Molweni, Jun 20

Molweni, Jun 20

Barry, Louise, Peta-Jade and Nathan Adkins; Barry: 0828332206. Louise: 0832549494. E-mail: [email protected] WOW! Who would ever have thought that we would all be going through what we are going through in our lifetime? It is one thing to see the people in China...
Adkins Prayer Request, Jul 20

Adkins Prayer Request, Jul 20

The Adkins are situated in PE where they have been teaching ZEBS and building relationships in the townships close by. With the current Covid situation they need prayer and wisdom on how to be effective and relevant in ministering to the AmaZioni in their area. They...