Paul and Carrie Seelhammer

Praise and Pray, Jul 21

Praise and Pray, Jul 21

Does anybody else feel like life is a roller coaster? Our plans continue to be changed, and it is evident that we are not in control, but we must continue to trust God. He is in control! The Zion Evangelical Bible School Teacher’s Conference was held the last weekend...

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Praise and Pray, Jul 22

Praise and Pray, Jul 22

Paul recently attended a Zion church conference in the Vhembe District.  It was for the United African Apostolic Church, one of the largest Zion churches in South Africa.  Paul had the opportunity to speak at two services about ZEMA and the importance of teaching the...

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Praise and Pray, May 22

Praise and Pray, May 22

Carrie was able to lead a Sunday School Teacher Training (SSTT) on March 26 near Botas’ Hill, KZN.  There were 18 first time students in attendance.  Carrie and three other teachers shared lessons on topics such as why Sunday School is important for children and how...

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Praise and Pray, Apr 21

Praise and Pray, Apr 21

  Happy Easter! We are remembering and celebrating Resurrection Sunday, while remaining in the South African coronavirus lockdown for the second Easter in a row. Many churches are holding services, but at the same time many are remaining at home due to the challenges...

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Praise and Pray, Dec 20

Praise and Pray, Dec 20

Merry Christmas! As we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus in a few days, let us continue to take advantage of the opportunities that God provides for each of us in this upside down and sideways world that we are living in today. Proclaiming Jesus as the...

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Praise & Pray, Apr 20

Praise & Pray, Apr 20

So much has happened in the past three months! We’ve taught two months of Zion Evangelical Bible School (ZEBS) classes every weekend, recorded and produced new radio programs, taken a trip up north to the Vhembe District, started 40 days of Prayer and Fasting on...

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Praise and Pray, Jul 20

Praise and Pray, Jul 20

In the midst of South Africa COVID-19 Lockdown, we have been experiencing many NEW things. Ministry opportunities are around us even though many of the “normal” tasks/duties/ministry have been stopped, changed, and/or paused.   One opportunity that has continued,...

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