ZEMA Focus Newsletter Sep 2022
![Goffrey Maseko](https://zema.org/wp-content/uploads/Goffrey-Maseko.jpg)
![Godfrey Text](https://zema.org/wp-content/uploads/Godfrey-Text.png)
First, I would like to thank our Heavenly Father God for the glorious oppor- tunity He has given me to be of service to Him for His wonderful Kingdom (Heaven). I was born 79 years ago to a Christian family. My grandfather was one of a few Pastors in Johannesburg, South Africa to have had the privilege of meeting with missionaries that were sent to our country from Zi- on City near Chicago, Illinois, USA. My grandfather accepted the Gospel of the Triune God. “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, in wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.” The teach- ings of God and His glorious kingdom were at that time revived and sup- plied to our country through a newsletter called “The Leaves of Healing” that was sent once every month. That was a great blessing to our churches. This communication of the true Gospel from the “Mother Church” in America helped me a lot as I grew to understand who God is and how He purposed humankind to behave as they were created in His image.
Second, growing up in a Christian environment helped me a lot during my later years. As I began to understand more about God and how He became “flesh” as the son to save humankind, by dying on the cross for our sins, the desire to know more about God grew much stronger. As my desire to know Him grew stronger, God was also working out a wonderful plan for me in serving Him in my church which showed some positive results. I served God in my church and also in the ZEFA organization which was making a great impact in the lives of those that were fortunate to be a part of it. During the years that ZEFA grew much stronger, God blessed us by providing the idea of establishing a much-needed Bible school. The beginning of the “Zion Evangelical Bible School” brought about more blessings from God:
- Training and equipping teachers with a chance to go to
- Reaching out to so many with the true
- The growth and positive testimonies from students who are excited to receive the Good News.
I also would like to thank God for having afforded me the opportunity to meet with some of my brothers and sisters from Zion City abroad, such as Overseer Roger Ottersen, the Pastor of the headquarters church in Zion and administrative head of the church as General Overseer. Later I was for- tunate to meet with Overseer and Administrative Head Pastor Langley and his son and son’s wife, Stephen and Jessica Langley, and many other youth leaders and groups who visited my home and had a great time.
The Impact that ZEBS Made in the Teacher’s Lives and Their Commu- nities by Godfrey Maseko
The beginning of Zion Evangelical Bible School made a great impact in our lives as ZEBS teachers in the sense that it made the following changes:
- After training, the teachers became confident to rise and teach the true
- The teachers enjoyed the respect and love from their
- The growth of the numbers attending ZEBS give the teachers the pride
and satisfaction of doing a great service to God.
- The testimonies given by the students at all the graduation sessions are always heart warming and touching the teachers.
I am a born again Christian. I was borne in Eastern Cape Maclear South Africa. Born to a father that was not a Christian and a mother who was Anglican Christian. I began my knowledge of religion in Presbyterian catechism class and later moved to my mother’s side where I was baptized by the Anglican Church. In 1976, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Messiah (there was an evangelist from CCAC preaching the gospel of salvation and I repented and was baptized). After that I grew in the Lord, maturing a little bit. In 1984 I met my wife Daniso Priscilla, also a born again Christian, and we married. We have been blessed with 7 children, unfortunately only 4 are alive.
![And Mark Hugo](https://zema.org/wp-content/uploads/And-Mark-Hugo.jpg)
My church always encouraged young members to go to school, so in 2004 I attend a theological college where I earned my 3rd year diploma in 2007. In 2008 I started at the Bible institute of South Africa. When I finished at African theological college, I learned a lot and it was different from what I knew growing up. That was my mistake. When I got out of college I wanted to help other amaZioni colleagues. I start searching for what I could do. I phoned America, Mike McDowell (USA Missions Director) answered the phone and I spoke to him about my ability to help others.
He told me about ZEBS and Timothy Kuehl working in Joberg and Luaan Goosen in the Eastern Cape and gave me their details so I called both of them. In 2008 Luaan came down to Cape Town and I organized a meeting of amaZioni church leaders. We started our meeting with 68 church leaders who accepted this vision. Luaan came in 2008, 2009, and 2010 to teach. In 2011 he had me begin leading teaching and would come in at the second mass to tell me how I was doing. From there our ministry has never stopped. My wife Priscilla was making lunch she cooked for students and that is where I started to manage all of the school notes, registration, and fees. I was also looking for the best teachers to help us which is how I started managing the school.
When we began with Luaan in 2008 we had lots of challenges. By 2011 we opened three more of these schools. Reverend Sogwago was a product of this ZEBS and I used him to help me. Unfortu- nately circumstances arose that required we close 2 of those schools. In western South Africa we tried to cancel the class but the students kept begging us to go. I finally agreed with them that we would open but we would need more numbers because petrol is so expensive. God was playing a big role there!
Meet Reverend Sogwago – Former student of Michael Bandi and current ZEBS teacher.
Sogwago began his biblical education with Voice of Prophecy correspondence school. Once he complet- ed his courses in December of 2008 he came to learn at ZEBS using the This We Believe curriculum un- der the teaching of Michael Bandi and earned a 3 year diploma at ZEBS. He began teaching at ZEBS in 2012 and was inspired to take up other studies from the Global Bible College where he studied for a Bachelor in Theology degree in 2021. Reverend Sogwego currently teaches ZEBS
(not pictured)
Queenie is a fourth year ZEBS student. Reverend Sogwego has been her teacher all four years. This is her testimony:
“He (Sogwego) was teaching there when I started. When I first met him, I met a teacher who was willing to teach any time and was a good, good teacher of the parables. He was so good that today I am excited to read my bible. Anytime I have a problem about the lesson he is available to explain it to me. I am one of the top learners. I am proud about my teacher, he is a very intelligent teacher, he will teach you and gives examples for you to understand the lesson. He will tell you all of the names when he teaches the generations. He is very good and I
am so happy that he is teaching me. I am also sad it is my last year.”
![Screenshot 2022-11-02 084028](https://zema.org/wp-content/uploads/Screenshot-2022-11-02-084028.jpg)
Is God Calling You?
Z.E.M.A. is looking for a couple to join the ongoing ministry at Sunbury Christian Camp, a conference and retreat center owned by Z.E.M.A. and located in KZN, South Africa. Sunbury serves as a venue for
Z.E.M.A. related events (Bible and Leadership train- ing). It also serves as a retreat center for churches and Christian groups when not in use by Z.E.M.A.
If you have skills or an interest in hospitality and facility management (including administration, bookkeeping, maintenance, and staff management) and would enjoy working cross-culturally to further the gospel, please contact Z.E.M.A. to further dis- cuss how you can be a part of this work.