Multiply your Blessings, Lord, in the time of COVID 19
In March 2020, while South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and his staff considered their lockdown response to COVID19, God was working in the hearts of two Sunbury ZEBS students, Rev. and Mrs. T.
On a particular Friday at Sunbury, Greg Seghers and Dan Hoffman were preparing for the weekend to come. As Greg readied his supplies for those who would be traveling to administrate the schools at KwaNgwanase, Ndlondlweni & Jozini, Dan verified the camp was ready to receive what would be the last camp group at Sunbury for a very long time. On this day, Baba and Mama T. arrived unannounced, with a bakkie-load (truck) of frozen chicken.
After greeting Dan and Greg, Baba enthusiastically shared how God used Mrs. Mpunzana’s ZEBS lesson to speak to them about giving back to God. Tithing is a new concept to many ZEBS students (where chicken curry is on the menu each month when they come to study God’s Word). After some discussion and asking God how He might have them tithe, they chose to purchase 100 Kg (220 lbs.) of chicken pieces for Sunbury. Blessed by what they were learning, they wanted their first tithe to be a blessing at Sunbury in return.
Within days of Baba and Mrs. T.’s delivery, he President, along with the National Corona Virus Command Council (NCVCC), instituted a military lockdown across the nation. The NCVCC set up a countdown to release the lockdown. Phase five confined people to their place of residence except for food and medical attention. All non-essential businesses, shops, and services closed. Grocery stores and pharmacies roped off non-essential items from purchase. SA is presently in phase four and considering allowing some areas to move into phase three, at which time more businesses and shops would be allowed to reopen.
Sunbury has encouraged our staff to remain at home in the San Souci community across the cane fields. The camp may not reopen for some time, possibly not until 2021. Sun bury ZEBS, along with every other Zion Bible School in the country, has also been postponed indefinitely. So what of the 100 Kg of chicken?
Sunbury has been able to support our staff during this time; however, in lockdown, many people are lonely, suffering, and in some cases, going hungry. When we realized that friends and neighbors had no food, the scope of Sunbury’s blessing grew. Through Baba and Mama T., some families in San Souci, who had no resources to provide for themselves, have chicken.
We trust God is providing amid difficult times. We have no idea what new normal will emerge at Sunbury. South Africa’s infection rate is low, however, with an already high incidence of poverty, the country is anticipating an unemployment rate that exceeds 50%. Please see page 4 for our prayer requests for the amaZioni and ZEMA.
The ZEMA Home Office would like to thank the many volunteers who assisted in writing, editing, designing, folding, sealing, addressing, and organizing this newsletter.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the quarterly newsletters call or text Kathy at 847.872.7363.
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