“Only by His Spirit”

Only by the spirit of Jesus Christ can the amaZioni please the God they profess to believe in.

All amaZioni believe in God, but most also believe in the spirits of their ancestors, whom they rely on to guide and protect them in this life.

They need to know there is only one Spirit that can guide them in their desire to please God. All other spirits come from the evil one who is the Father of lies.

Ephesians 4:4-6 ” There is one body and one Spirit………………… one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

John 14: 6-7 – “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” 
Romans 8:9 – “You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.”

Something more about the AMAZIONI

Many people think that the amaZioni movement in Southern Africa is one big united movement but the reality is that there are literally THOUSANDS of Church groups who might share the common name ‘ZION’ but are very separate from each other. Some of the differences between amaZioni might be as superficial as having different colors in the robes they wear, while some of the differences are deeply fundamental for example where their view of Scripture is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to others who call themselves AmaZioni. Way back in 1987 Prof G C Oosthuizen already noted that there were at least 3270 different Zion denominations.

This means we need to depend on the Holy Spirit as we meet new groups, that God would show us how to have an impact IN THAT GROUP

Something about family

Although we did not experience any physical harm during the devastating flooding in April last year, we knew many friends and amazioni families who were badly affected by loss of property or family members. The Pinetown area, where we live, was one of the worst affected by wash-aways and flood damage. Even a year later we are still affected by water supply interruptions and unrepaired infrastructure.

Our small gondola boat business was also badly affected as the gondolas were swamped by the torrential rain and sales suffered due to the damage and beach closures during what should have been a high season for us.

But our Father in Heaven knows what is coming and looks after His own in the middle of the storm. Our small business unexpectedly won the award for Best Visitor Experience at the Durban Tourism Awards just two months later and the prize money helped us recover some of the lost income.

Our family is well and our children continue to enjoy homeschooling and being involved in our local church and its community activities. Ultimate frisbee is a growing sport in SA and our three boys love the sport and play in the local and regional league.

Our eldest son Jaden started his Digital Design studies this year at Vega School of Design and passed his drivers license. This has been helpful with shared driving, but also tricky with only one vehicle in the family to share. Tori our daughter has been enjoying ballet lessons and loves dancing around the kitchen while baking. Ryan and Luke fill up the middle rank of our four and when not out and about can be found reading, gaming and playing chess lately.

With both Kim and I working and teaching at home, the household is always busy. Kim continues to grow her small web design and hosting business, while we are both still envoled with leading a life group, teaching Kids ministry, guitar lessons and playing in the band at our church. Jeff teaches at Zebs (Zion Evangelical Bible School) almost every Saturday for about 6hrs in three local townships and is hoping to start another Zebs in the center of Pinetown near the Taxi rank.

Something to Pray About

Guidance in Starting new ZEBS schools in Pinetown
Funding to advertise ZEBS on local radio.
Provision and Protection for the families of ZEBS teachers.
That The Spirit of Jesus Christ guard the hearts of our family

Thank you for your support


IN His Hands,

Jeff, Kim, Jaden, Ryan, Luke and Tori