New Fields of Ministry
ZEMA missionaries are aware of opportunities to share God’s Word with Zionists in new areas of ministry, such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda. Trips into some of these areas have demonstrated a great openness and eager reception to missionaries bringing the Gospel through Bible teaching and the distribution of the “This We Believe” Bible course and Bibles. African leaders from multiple churches and Zion denominations have come together when ZEMA missionaries are able to travel to these places. Despite poverty and even devastation in some areas, what the people have asked for more than anything else are Bibles and training for their leaders.
Imagine the excitement and suspense in the air as bishops and pastors come together, often for the first time. Some, having seen 90 years of life, are intrigued and eager to return to their congregations with the “Zion” materials and Bibles that ZEMA missionaries offer. The missionaries, also eager, have questions such as, will they agree to start a new Zion Bible School? Did we bring enough copies of the “This We Believe” course? When will we be able to come back? Finally, imagine the excitement of both parties when steps are taken to further the relationship together: Like two men starting a journey, simply taking it one step at a time.
Doors are opening, and the opportunities are immense for ZEMA to further its ministries in these new areas. “We see God putting wind in our sails through the prayers of His people.” Your gifts can provide what is required to continue reaching into new areas where Zion churches are located. Please help us to grow these budding relationships into mature partnerships with God expanding His Church.