After we had sent out our last newsletter my (Louise’s) Covid got worse. For about a week I could do nothing but survive and pray. If I had to compare how I was feeling with another experience in my life, it would be when I had cancer and was on chemo. While I am so much better now, it is going to be a slow process to having the energy levels I had pre-covid.
Barry did not feel that flattened by Covid and it took him a little longer to realize that he needed to slow down. Then as we were all starting to feel a little better and had organized to go on Nathan’s birthday camping trip (packed and ready to go), his lungs started to get painful, and he ended up at the doctor in the morning and the doctor diagnosed him with post-covid pneumonia. He is much better now and is slowly gaining energy.
Peta-Jade has steadily battled this thing as her symptoms have fluctuated and while she is coping well, it may be because her expectations are not that high because life is difficult for her to do. It has been quite inspirational to see her bravery during the time she has been at living home again.
Nathan has really battled fatigue and a fuzzy brain as he has returned to school to finish out this year. It has been a struggle for him to be able and concentrate as he has learned for his Grade 7 final exams. It is hard to believe that he goes to high school next year.
After we were all in the clear and life was able to return to a semi-normal kind of rhythm, Louise was able to meet with Mama S’s daughters. What delightful young ladies they are as they navigate a really demanding situation. Please continue to pray for them as they process all that has happened and as they support each other and their dad through this time. Pray that they would know Jesus in a tangible way as they finish this year without their mom.
What a fun time graduation was this year. One of the past graduates gave a testimony to encourage the graduating folk and he was sharing that he thought he knew the Bible before ZEBS and came to realize that he was wrong, he went on to describe how he met Jesus and how that has transformed his preaching and leadership in his church. That is why we do what we do, so that many AmaZioni can come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
This year has been difficult and good in so many ways. We look back with grateful hearts as we see how the Lord has been so kind and faithful to us as a family when we started the year so scared for Peta-Jade and not knowing which way to turn, to miraculously getting her into the DBT program at Tara and then her coming home again. It has been so much better than we anticipated, and we give God the glory as He continues to give us Hope and a future.
Nathan has shot up in height and his voice is deeper and he is finding it interesting navigating puberty and all the strange things happening inside his body as he grows both physically and spiritually. While taking him to school this week Louise and Nathan were having a conversation about making mistakes and learning from our mistakes and Nathan made the excuse that she did not understand what he was feeling because he is going through puberty, her answer to him was……..he does not understand how she is feeling either as she is going through menopause. Ah yes, fun and games.
Ministry has been good this year as many times we have had to wait on the Lord as He has given us creative ideas and many new situations to share Him with others both at ZEBS and in so many other ways.
We look forward to next year as Barry and I co-lead our first Family Connections group with South African folk starting in January. This is such a God opportunity, and we are excited about it. Please pray with us that we and our fellow South African participants would have good internet connection as well as electricity for the two hours we have together for the twelve-week course.
As a mission, we are going to be choosing a new Field Director in January next year. Please pray for us as a missionary family, that we would be wise as we vote.
Someone challenged me with the question, “What dream has God put in your heart years ago that He wants you to act on now?” As I chat to different people about this, I am surprised to find out that everyone I have spoken to has an unfulfilled dream that the Lord has placed in their hearts that He is challenging them to act on.
We serve an inspiring God who has such great ideas. He sent Jesus to make a way for us to do life with Him and He is concerned with the everyday aspects of our lives as well as His Big Picture. May you know Him more deeply this Christmas time and may those dreams He has placed in your heart become a reality.
We do love and appreciate you all.
Barry, Louise, Peta-Jade and Nathan.
PS. All the bold writing are prayer points, thanks for holding us up in prayer.
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