A few days ago, we watched in shock as folk looted and burned a variety of shops and buildings in South Africa. Barry had to go to town, he was a bit apprehensive as we were afraid that the unrest might come to Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth) as well. When he parked the car alongside two taxis, he heard one taxi driver speaking in a troubled way, so Barry asked him what it was all about. They got talking about the rioting and all that was going on in Natal and Gauteng. As they were chatting the taxi drivers asked where he learned to speak Xhosa. Speaking in Xhosa is Barry’s open door and so they heard about our work among the AmaZioni. The guys asked for contact details as they were keen to make contact once we can be meeting for ZEBS. One of the guys was from ZCC.
Please pray with us concerning all the unrest and looting, we know the impact is huge for those that live close to where it all took place as well as for us as a country.
We are currently in lockdown because of the 3rd wave of Covid-19 here in South Africa. Barry got his first “jab”, Louise has registered but not yet gone for her “jab”. (Covid vaccine).
Pray for us personally, that we would keep our eyes on Jesus and continue to seek to glorify Him during all that is going on around us. Pray for us as a mission as we seek to be relevant and do what God has called us to do with all the restrictions in place.
ZEBS is on hold again because of the lockdown regulations and so we wait to hear when we can meet again. It really is a frustrating time as we ask the Lord to give us wisdom on the one hand and obey the law of our land on the other hand. We do contact folk wherever we can, and Barry has had several significant conversations with folk. ZEMA encourages us to learn the language of the people that we work among. Barry was saying yesterday that he sees the merit in this. Just this week he asked someone a question and that person was surprised at his speaking Xhosa, so they called two other folk over to come and listen to him speaking Xhosa. The one woman commented that he was obviously married to a Xhosa woman. When they heard of the ministry we are involved in, that took the discussion to another level and even more people were called as he now had to speak to the Zionists. They were totally puzzled by this “white Zionist”.
As of now churches are still not allowed to meet. This has a huge impact on church finances. Historically many Zionist churches are not too good with tithes and Covid has robbed the church leaders of the little income they were getting.
Nathan is so excited about the extra time off school due to the extended lockdown and has used it to paint his room and different color. Nathan is very fearful of covid and all that goes with our new way of life. This often puts a huge amount of stress and pressure on us as a family. Please pray for him as he starts the new school term next week.
Peta-Jade has come home to start the next chapter of her life. It has been so good having her at home again. It is remarkable to see the good fruit of her time away from home and even though it was such a difficult time for her, she really has come such a far way in the past three years she has been away from home. She too did a bit of work on her bedroom and is in the process of redecorating it. She returned home with a plan of action to help her navigate this new part of her journey. The situation in our country with Covid has made things difficult for her to get involved with volunteer work and support groups all still happen online. She is currently making application to study, and we would appreciate your continued prayers for her and the way forward. Please pray with us that God would provide for her to study and that He would continue to give her hope and a future. Pray especially for her and Nathans’s relationship.
We serve a God who can do the impossible, let’s trust Him together to do just that, as far as our lives are concerned, as far as ministry is concerned and as far as our country is concerned.
Loads of love Barry, Louise, Peta-Jade and Nathan.
Giving in South Africa:
Bank details.
Standard Bank Current Account; Acc name: ZEMA; Acc no: 081047401;
King Williams Town; Branch no: 050419; Ref: “Your name/ Adkins