eSwatini Building News
During our first ZBC teacher’s retreat, in May of 2016, the teachers with one voice decided that having our own building was critical. We began to pray, and God provided money for land, then money for the building. One contractor took the deposit for the roof, and moved to America. Another contractor took a deposit, and then went bankrupt – these caused delays and forced additional costs. Still, God is providing. These retaining walls were paid for from a grant from a US organization. This inspired another donor to pay for sidewalks. Those will start construction on Monday. We are missing only a fire hydrant for an occupancy permit and paint/parking lot to finish the project. The purpose of all this is to give Zion Bible College a place to meet and passive income so that the Word can be preached for generations. ZBC desires to send out missionaries, and becoming financially self-sustaining is key to that calling. We thank God, and the generous donors He is working through for this – concrete – progress!
Retaining Wall Project
The retaining wall project is done. We have recieved funding for the sidewalks. Praise God for work done, and providing for the next phase. – Thank you God! South/East sides of the building.