Bible School Scholarships

Many ZEBS & ZBC teachers have studied through Bible schools, and often students attending our Bible schools would like to carry out their formalised studies at an accredited school after receiving a certificate of completion from ZEBS or ZBC. As with any higher education, for a Zion leader to further their Biblical training through an accredited institution costs money, often beyond what the individual or the local congregation can provide. With this in mind, ZEMA has set up a Bible School Fund by which we may assist amaZioni to participate in furthering their Biblical training. Potential students must request assistance and have a Zion church “sponsor” who agrees that this person from their congregation is someone they would like to receive Bible training. The sponsoring Zion church must agree to assist the student regarding personal needs during their education. This scholarship provides the student with tuition, room & board, and travel costs at the beginning and end of each term. 

ZEMA’s Field Council awards these scholarships based on:

  • Recommendations by ZEMA personnel
  • An amaZioni church statement of recommendation and commitment
  • What money is available in the Bible School Fund

Union Bible Institute , Mukhanyo Theological College, Baptist Theological Seminary, and Dumisani Theological Institute are accredited Bible institutions by which Zionists may further their Biblical training. Thank you for considering sponsorship of the Zion Bible School Project Fund.

Through your gifts, ZEMA can offer amaZioni leaders the opportunity to further their education.

This photo is from Union Bible Institutes website.