Change is stirring in Africa.
As ZEMA’s presence in southern Africa grows, we are privileged to influence the direction of that change. Will you join us?
If you know firsthand the transformative power of God, then you share our belief:
When individual hearts change, lives are changed, and families transformed…
…communities are enriched…
…which impacts entire countries…
…and ultimately revolutionizes a continent.
Yes, there is tremendous hope for Africa.
To accomplish something this grand, would require an army…
In a way, yes.
Good thing we have one.
ZEMA works with the amaZioni people of Southern Africa a group of impassioned God-followers already 18 million strong. The African Independent Church Movement of the amaZioni is like a fire waiting for the fuel of God’s truth. Through Biblical teaching and training in leadership, ZEMA’s mission is to help the amaZioni hone their knowledge of God’s Word, take up leadership roles in their churches and communities, and spread their love for God and the truth of the Gospel in all directions.
These passionate and devoted millions stand positioned to influence their communities and cultures on an unprecedented scale. ZEMA missionaries believe we stand at the edge of a new era, one in which God’s truth – the truth that leads to everlasting freedom and joy, for now and for eternity – is about to take Africa by storm.
Here we are, at the edge of something amazing. Will you join us? Together we’ll see what God is going to do.
Our background:
The Zionists of the African Independent Churches in Southern Africa took their name – amaZioni, the people of Zion – not from the Biblical Zion, but from the town of Zion, Illinois, USA, which sent literature and missionaries to South Africa at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Though many of the Zionists have become syncretistic, combining what they know about Christianity with traditional African religious beliefs, they have an insatiable desire to study and follow the Bible.
Because ZEMA has a formal connection with the “mother church” in Zion, our missionaries are blessed with great relationships with the amaZioni. Many of the millions of Zionists are look to ZEMA to provide the Biblical training they so greatly desire.
In response, ZEMA offers rigorous Biblical training classes, mentorship among congregations, and abundant opportunities for fellowship, learning, and growth. The heart of our mission – to know God and make him known – is reflected in everything we do. We hope you’ll take a minute to look around and see what we’re up to.